Student Code of Conduct when travelling
The Student Code of Conduct exists to ensure you travel safely and show respect for others.
Students must follow regulations when travelling between home and school using public transport. All students must behave in a manner that ensures both their comfort and safety and that of other passengers.
Disobeying these rules may lead to:
- the withdrawal of school travel passes.
- banning students from travelling on public transport.
- police prosecution and court action.
Vandalism is a serious criminal offence. Students caught tagging, etching or vandalising Transport for NSW property will be arrested and may face criminal charges.
Download Guidelines for Managing School Student Behaviour on Buses (pdf 727KB)
Code of conduct for school students
Behaviour on buses
- Use appropriate language not offensive or racist language
- Fighting, spitting, feet on seats, throwing things in or from the bus is not permitted
- No eating or drinking (other than water) - unless for medical reasons or the bus operator gives written permission.
- Offer seats to adults including people with a disability, elderly or expectant mothers
- Do not push or shove other people
- Do not bully or harass other passengers or the driver
- Avoid attracting the attention of the driver except in the case of emergency
- Do not play music at such volume that it may distract the bus driver or other passengers.
Safety on and near buses
- Obey reasonable directions from the driver (for example, where to sit or to remain in the bus)
- Remain in your seat - do not move around the bus unnecessarily
- If standing, remain behind the front passenger seat and always keep a secure hand hold
- Keep bags and other items clear of the aisle
- Do not allow any part of your body to protrude out of the bus at any time
- Wait for the bus in a quiet and orderly manner - including at bus interchanges
- Stand away from the roadside until the bus comes to a complete stop
- Allow other passengers to leave the bus before stepping onto the bus in a single line
- Wait until the bus stops before moving to get off the bus at your designated stop
- Cross the road where and when it's safe to do so, use crossings/traffic lights where available.
Legal considerations on buses
- Wear the seat belt properly adjusted and fastened, if one is available
- Obey the law that bans smoking on buses
- Ensure that buses are not vandalised - report any damage, graffiti and window etching, to the driver
- Do not interfere with bus property, equipment and signage
- Do not leave rubbish on the bus, or at bus stops or interchanges.
Students will:
- Obey all signage instructions on metro, train and light rail services and at stations.
- Always behave safely, for example:
- avoid running or riding bikes, scooters or skates on metro, train and light rail services and at stations,
- keep off metro, train and light rail lines,
- keep arms, legs and other body parts inside the metro, train and light rail,
- refrain from touching metro, train or light rail doors, safety equipment or any part of a moving metro, train or light rail.
- Use non-offensive language and always behave appropriately on rail property. You must not swear, spit, fight, throw items or put feet on seats.
- Protect rail property and report graffiti and vandalism.
- Keep yourself and anything you are carrying clear of aisles, steps, thoroughfares and behind the yellow line on platforms.
- Take your rubbish with you and dispose of it thoughtfully.
- Follow the instructions of station staff, drivers, guards, transport officers and Police officers.
- Spread out along the platform so as not to overcrowd one carriage. Avoid boarding carriages that are already overcrowded.
- Allow other passengers to get off metro, train and light rail services before boarding and then board without delay.
- Move inside the carriage and stand away from the doors during travel.
- Comply with all laws relating to conduct and behaviour while travelling on public transport.
- Not possess any prohibited items, such as knives, spray cans or other implement intended for use in damaging property.
- Adhere to the law that bans smoking and drinking alcohol at stations, and on metro, train, and light rail services.
Students will:
- Obey all signage instructions on ferry services and at ferry wharves.
- Always behave safely. You must not run or ride bikes, scooters, or skates on ferry services and at wharves
- Use non-offensive language and always behave appropriately on ferry property. You must not swear, spit, fight, throw items or put feet on seats.
- Protect ferry property and report graffiti and vandalism.
- Keep yourself and anything you are carrying clear of aisles, steps, thoroughfares and entry and exit ramps.
- Take your rubbish with you and dispose of it thoughtfully.
- Follow the instructions of wharf or ferry staff, guards, transport officers and Police officers.
- Spread out along the wharf so as not to overcrowd during boarding.
- Allow other passengers to get off the ferry services before boarding and then board without delay.
- Comply with all laws relating to conduct and behaviour while travelling on public transport.
- Not possess any prohibited items, such as knives, spray cans or other implement intended for use in damaging property.
- Adhere to the law that bans smoking and drinking alcohol at wharves, and on ferry services.
Safety on Ferries and Ferry Wharves
- Remain in your seat - do not move around the ferry unnecessarily.
- When the ferry is in motion, if standing, always keep a secure hand hold.
- Carry your School Pass during all school-related travel.
- Use your School Travel Pass only for its intended purpose.
- Keep your School Travel Pass for your own use. Do not lend your School Travel Pass to other students or borrow one from them.
- Show travel passes or tickets to the driver on boarding and to Authorised Revenue Protection Officers, NSW Police Officers or bus company representatives when requested
- If issued with a School Opal card, students must always tap on when you board or tap off when you arrive at your stop, station or wharf. Find out more about tapping on and tapping off.
Consequences of inappropriate behaviour
Unacceptable behaviour such as using offensive or racist language, disobeying reasonable directions from the driver, smoking, eating on public transport, distracting the operator with persistent noise, and failing to show the travel pass may lead to:
- Formal warning for a first offence, loss of subsidised school travel privileges for up to two school weeks for a second offence, and up to 10 school weeks for subsequent offences.
- Permanent suspension of school travel privileges or banning from travelling on public transport may apply for repeated offences.
Dangerous behaviour such as seriously bullying or harassing other passengers, fighting, letting any part of your body protrude from the public transport service, throwing objects inside or outside the public transport service, damaging property, using matches and lighters, carrying dangerous items and group misbehaviour may lead to:
- Loss of subsidised school travel privileges for up to four school weeks for a first offence and up to 10 school weeks for subsequent offences - or if group misbehaviour is involved, permanent loss of school travel privileges.
- Permanent suspension of school travel privileges or banning from travelling on public transport may apply for repeated offences.
Highly dangerous behaviour such as interfering with safety equipment, pushing students out of the doors or windows, assaulting the driver or other passengers and destruction of public transport property may lead to:
- Permanent loss of subsidised school travel privileges, and possible court action or police prosecution
- Banned from travelling on public transport.
The police will be called to deal with highly dangerous behaviour.
These penalties reflect the seriousness of the misbehaviour. They ensure that all students who misbehave on public transport are dealt with in a fair and consistent manner, no matter which operator or school is involved.
If students are refused travel, parents/guardians/carers must make alternative travel arrangements and meet any costs of that transport. They will not be eligible for any Transport for NSW travel support nor payment under these circumstances.
A group of school students behaving unacceptably may risk higher penalties if their conduct puts the safety of other passengers or the driver at risk.
The operator will inform Transport for NSW of its decision. Transport for NSW may inform an operator of a student's record of misbehaviour. Please refer to the Guidelines for Managing School Students' Behaviour on Buses (pdf 727KB) for dealing with incidents of inappropriate behaviour as it applies.
If a student misbehaves on public transport, the operator concerned will contact the parents and the school.
- Depending on the gravity of the offence, students may be required to give up their school travel pass or may be refused travel on public transport for a period determined by the operator.
- Heavier penalties may apply to students involved in group misbehaviour.
- School principals have the right to take additional disciplinary action against a student under the school's discipline code or student welfare policy for any breach of the code of conduct.
The operator must provide written notification to the parents, guardians or carers before a student's school travel pass can be withdrawn.
If parents, guardians or carers don't agree with a decision, they should contact the transport service operator.
If they are still not satisfied, they can contact Transport for NSW.